Salon Line - Linha #ToDeCacho (Vinagre de Maca) - Creme para Pentear 300 Ml - (#ImWithCurls (Apple vinegar) Collection - Combing Cream 10.14 Fl Oz)
Linha (Collection): #ToDeCacho
The Apple Cider Vinegar Combing Cream has apple cider vinegar and blackberry extract in its formula that promote extra-conditioning action, hair definition, total detangling and maximum shine. Furthermore, it has the effective PROFIX technology that guarantees 72 hours of formatting, fixation and duration of curls and frizz.
O Creme para Pentear #todecacho Vinagre de Maca possui em sua formula vinagre de maca e extrato de blackberry que promovem acao extracondicionante, definicao dos fios, desembaraco total e brilho maximo. Alem disso, conta com a eficaz tecnologia PROFIX que garante 72h de formatacao, fixacao e duracao dos cachos e crespos.
EAN: 7908458320479
Salon Line - #ToDeCacho - Creme para Pentear Vinagre de Maca 300Ml - (10.14FlOz)
$21.97 Regular Price
$7.67Sale Price
Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200
Out of Stock
- Item Count: 1
Item Form: cream
- Promotes Softness and Intense Shine. (Promove Maciez e Brilho Intenso.)
- High Moisturization Power. (Alto Poder de Hhidratacao.)
- Nourishes The Strands. (Nutre os Fios. )