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Inoar - Linha Cicatrifios - Leave In Antioxidante 50 Ml - ( Collection - Antioxidant Leave In 1.69 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Cicatrifios

Inoar Cicatrifios Vitamin C Leave-in strengthens, brings shine and discipline every day, seals the hair fiber to make it more silky, radiant and with controlled frizz. It has thermal protection and antioxidant actives that fight free radicals, which cause opacity and weakness. Vegan formula. Main benefits: Renewal, softness, breakage reduction, frizz reduction, progressive volume reduction, sealing, extreme shine, easy brushing and maintenance, deep damage repair and thermal protection.
Inoar Cicatrifios Vitamina C Leave-in fortalece, traz brilho e disciplina todos os dias, sela a fibra capilar para torna-la mais sedosa, radiante e com frizz controlado. Possui protecao termica e ativos antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres, causadores da opacidade e fraqueza. Formula vegana. Principais beneficios: Renovacao, maciez, reducao de quebra, reducao de frizz, reducao progressiva de volume, selagem, brilho extremo, facil escovacao e manutencao, reparacao profunda de danos e protecao termica.

EAN: 7908124401785

Inoar - Cicatrifios Leave In Antioxidante 50Ml - Antioxidant Leave In 1.69FlOz

$25.97 Regular Price
$10.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 1
    Item Form: cream

    Protects Against External Aggressions (Protege o Fio Contra Agressoes Externas)

    Eliminates Frizz (Elimina o Frizz)
    Seals Cuticles Providing a Wonderful Shine (Sela As Cuticulas Proporcionando um Brilho Maravilhoso)