Inoar - Linha Afro Vegan - Condicionador de Nutricao e Reparacao 300 Ml - (Afro Vegan Collection - Nourishing and Repair Conditioner 10.14 Fl Oz)
Linha (Collection): Afro Vegan
Inoar Afro Vegan Conditioner treats, seals cuticles and untangles hair. It is ideal for 4ABC type curls. It has a botanical formula that will help you show the true beauty of super curly strands, as it will promote daily care that will help define curls while preserving the health of the hair fiber.
Inoar Afro Vegan Condicionador trata, sela as cuticulas e desembaraca os fios. e ideal para cachos do tipo 4ABC. Possui formula botanica que vai te ajudar a mostrar a verdadeira beleza dos fios super cacheados, pois vai promover um cuidado diario que ajudara na definicao dos cachos enquanto preserva a saude da fibra capilar.
EAN: 7908124400696
Inoar - Condicionador Nutrivo Afro Vegan 300Ml - Nourishing Conditioner 10.1FlOz
$33.97 Regular Price
$17.97Sale Price
Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200
- Item Count: 1
Item Form: liquid
Leaves Hair More Manageable Due To Its Moisturizing Property (Deixa o Cabelo Mais Maleavel Devido a Sua Propriedade Hidratante)
Smoothness And Shine, In Addition To Nourishing And Sealing The Cuticles (Garante Maciez e Brilho, Alem de Nutrir e Selar As Cuticulas)
Rich In Vitamin E, Minerals And Antibacterial Properties (Rico Em Vitamina E, Minerais e Propriedades Antibacterianas)
With Castor Oil And Shea Butter (Com Oleo de Ricino e Manteiga de Karite)