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Natura - Linha Ekos (Maracuja) - Nectar Hidratante Corporal 200 Ml - (Ekos (Passion Fruit) Collection - Body Moisturizing Nectar 6.76 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Ekos

With anti-stress skin action, it powerfully rebalances and calm the skin as it combats skin stress indicators by increasing natural hydration levels. Made with crude passion fruit oil, rich in essential fatty acids, this body nectar leaves your skin protected, hydrated and soft. It has a light texture and quick absorption.
Com acao antiestresse cutaneo, e potente para reequilibrar e acalmar a pele a medida que combate os indicadores de estresse cutaneo aumentando os niveis naturais de hidratacao. Feito com oleo bruto de maracuja, rico em acidos graxos essenciais, este nectar para o corpo deixa sua pele protegida, hidratada e macia. Possui textura leve e rapida absorcao.

EAN: 7908371665411

Natura - Ekos Maracuja - Nectar Hidratante Corporal 200Ml - Moisturizing 6.8FlOz

$34.97 Regular Price
$11.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Cream (Creme)

    - Soothes the skin (Acalma a pele)
    - Your Skin Super Hydrated (Sua Pele Hidratada)
    - Vegan product (Produto vegano)