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Natura - Linha Ekos (Tukuma) - Polpa Hidratante para as Maos 75 Gr - (Ekos (Tukuma) Collection - Hand Moisturizing Pulp Net 2.64 Oz)

Linha (Collection): Ekos

Ekos Tukuma Moisturizing Hand Pulp is a powerful anti-aging agent that stimulates the natural production of hyaluronic acid. Made with raw tukuma butter, its formula plumps even the deepest layers of the skin and combats the signs of premature aging on the hands. Special edition packaging in partnership with Amazonian artist Winny Tapajos.
A Polpa Hidratante para Maos de Ekos Tukuma e um potente antissinais que estimula a producao natural de acido hialuronico. Feita com manteiga bruta de tukuma, sua formula repreenche ate as camadas mais profundas da pele e combate os sinais de envelhecimento precoce das maos. Embalagem da edicao especial em parceria com a artista amazonida Winny Tapajos.

EAN: 7908132224796

Natura - Ekos Tukuma - Polpa Hidratante para as Maos 75Gr - (Hand Pulp 2.64Oz)

$32.97 Regular Price
$11.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Cream (Creme)

    - Replenishes the skin (Repreenche a pele)
    - Powerful anti-wrinkle (Potente antissinais)
    - Vegan Product (Produto vegano)