Natura - Linha Essencial - Balm Pos Barba 75 Ml - (Essential Collection - After Shave Balm 2.53 Fl Oz)
Linha (Collection): Essencial
The After-Shave Balm has a dry feel and quick absorption. It is enriched with copaiba oil that soothes the skin after shaving while preventing irritation, leaving it soft and hydrated for up to 12 hours. All this with the woody and sophisticated fragrance of Essencial, which combines deep woods, such as cedar and sandalwood, with the freshness of herbal notes.
O Balm Pos-Barba possui toque seco e rapida absorcao. e enriquecido com oleo de copaiba que acalma a pele apos o barbear enquanto a previne de irritacoes, deixando-a macia e hidratada por ate 12 horas. Tudo isso com a fragrancia amadeirada e sofisticada de Essencial que combina madeiras profundas, como cedro e sandalo, com o frescor de notas herbais.
EAN: 7908371692097
Natura - Essencial - Balm Pos Barba 75Ml- (After Shave Balm 2.53FlOz)
$38.97 Regular Price
$16.49Sale Price
Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200
- Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
Item Form: Lotion (Locao)
- Soothes The Skin While Preventing Irritations; (Acalma a Pele Enquanto Previne Irritacoes;)
- Woody Fragrance; (Fragrancia Amadeirada;)