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Natura - Linha Kaiak (Extremo) - Colonia Masculina 100 ML - (Kaiak (Extreme) Collection - Eau de Cologne for Men 3.38 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Kaiak

A fragrance that accompanies the movement of water and everything that comes with it: the power, the recharge of energy, the freshness that renews, that activates the senses and makes us feel alive. Made from choices that respect the ocean, with a commitment to taking care of the waters. Vegan product, with 100% organic alcohol and up to 30% recycled glass.
Moderate amber aromatic. An extreme freshness of citrus and aromatic herbs, combined with a touch of cold spice, contrast with a modern and complex woody amber and musc.
Uma fragrancia que acompanha o movimento das aguas e tudo que vem com isso: a potencia, a recarga de energia, o frescor que renova, que ativa os sentidos e nos faz sentir vivos. Feito de escolhas que respeitam o oceano, com o compromisso de cuidar das aguas. Produto vegano, com 100% alcool organico e ate 30% de vidro reciclado.
Aromatico ambarado moderado. Um extremo frescor de citricos e ervas aromaticas, combinadas com um toque de especiaria fria, trazem contraste com um moderno e complexo ambarado amadeirado e musc.

EAN: 7908132227964

Natura Kaiak Extremo - Colonia Masculina 100Ml - Eau de Cologne for Men 3.38FlOz

$66.97 Regular Price
$29.99Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Liquid (Liquido)

    - Olfactive Family (Familia Olfativa):