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Salon Line - Linha Color Express (Vibes) - Tonalizante Laranja Neon 100 Ml - (Color Express (Vibes) Collection - Neon Orange Toner 3.38 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Color Express

The Neon Orange Colored Toner moisturizes and colors without harming the strands, leaving the hair always shiny and healthy, since it is a toner without ammonia and oxidants. the Color Express Vibes Toner formulation has a mix of 12 oils - argan, shea , seed and cotton, macadamia, green tea, chamomile, aloe, calamus, myrrh, olive and cinnamon - which moisturize and nourish, in addition to restoring shine and luminosity to the hair.
O Tonalizante Colorido Laranja Neon hidrata e colore sem agredir os fios, deixando o cabelo sempre brilhante e saudavel, ja que e um tonalizante sem amonia e oxidantes. A formulacao do Tonalizante Color Express Vibes conta com um mix de 12 oleos - argan, karite, semente e algodao, macadamia, cha-verde, camomila, aloe, calamo, mirra, oliva e canela - que hidratam e nutrem, alem de devolver o brilho e a luminosidade dos cabelos.

EAN: 7908458312764

Salon Line - Color Express Vibes - Tonalizante Laranja Neon 100Ml - (3.38FlOz)

$25.97 Regular Price
$9.80Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Cream (Creme)

    - Radiant Colors and Highly Moisturized Hair; (Cores Radiantes E Fios Muito Hidratados;)
    - Colored Strands For Longer; (Fios Coloridos Por Mais Tempo;)
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