Complete instructions for use are contained in the explanatory leaflet that accompanies Guanidina Salon Line. IMPROPER USE MAY DAMAGE YOUR HAIR.
Before starting the process, divide the hair from the middle of the head into 4 parts - two at the back and two at the front. Apply Keratin Hair Food Salon Line to the neck, ears, around the face, hairline and scalp to avoid possible reactions. In case of touch-up, also apply to the length of the hair. Put on gloves. Follow the next three application steps and do not skip any:
1. Preparation of the mixture: do not use metallic materials. Always use plastic materials (comb and spatulas)
2. Application: start relaxing from the back, strand by strand, applying generously with the help of a brush. Cover all of your hair - and as quickly as possible - to ensure full coverage of your entire head. After applying the relaxer, use the palm of your hand to smooth the areas of application, always manipulating in the direction of the hair and never in reverse, as this effort could break it. Apply the product per area. On virgin hair, gently comb 0.5 cm from root to tip. Do not pull or stretch your hair. To obtain homogeneous distribution, glove and lightly handle the hair with your hands and use the last minutes to massage the hair, checking if any areas were left without application.
3. Rinsing and neutralization: start rinsing from the back of the hair, carefully, with plenty of warm or room temperature water. Apply Salon Line Neutralizing Shampoo. It is essential for the total removal of waste.
4. Conditioning and finishing: after relaxing, neutralizing and rinsing are completed correctly, apply a Salon Line Conditioner of your choice. Evenly distribute the Guanidine throughout the hair and leave it to act for 5 minutes, rinse and finish as desired.
Remember: the ideal is to carry out a daily treatment with the Salon Line using Shampoo, Mask and Conditioner so that the hair becomes even more strengthened.
Attention: Do not apply relaxation/straightening right after removing braids or stretching. Contains alkali. If your hair is already colored (permanent coloring, semi-permanent coloring, toning or emulsion, liquid coloring) or has any other type of chemical treatment, it is recommended to use the relaxer only on the regrown roots with at least 3 cm of virgin hair. Make sure that the transition area between the virgin part of the root and the part colored or with other chemicals is resistant, otherwise hair breakage may occur.
Tips for use: Wear gloves throughout the application process relaxation/softening and do not wash your hair for at least 3 days before the procedure. - (As instrucoes de uso completas estao contidas no folheto explicativo que acompanha a Guanidina Salon Line. A UTILIZAcaO INCORRETA PODE DANIFICAR O CABELO.
Antes de iniciar o processo, divida o cabelo a partir do meio da cabeca em 4 partes - duas atras e duas na frente. Aplique Keratin Hair Food Salon Line no pescoco, orelhas, em volta do rosto, na linha do cabelo e no couro cabeludo para evitar possiveis reacoes. Em caso de retoque, aplique tambem no comprimento do cabelo. Coloque luvas. Siga as tres etapas de aplicacao a seguir e nao pule nenhuma:
1. Preparo da mistura: nao utilize materiais metalicos. Utilize sempre materiais em plastico (pente e espatulas)
2. Aplicacao: comece o relaxamento pela parte de tras, mecha a mecha, aplicando generosamente com o auxilio de um pincel. Cubra todo o cabelo - e o mais rapido possivel - para assegurar total cobertura de toda a cabeca. Apos a aplicacao do relaxamento, utilize a palma da mao para suavizar as areas de aplicacao, sempre manipulando no sentido dos fios e nunca ao contrario, pois esse esforco podera parti-los. Aplique o relaxamento por area. Em cabelos virgens, enluve gentilmente com 0,5 cm de distancia da raiz as pontas. Nao puxe ou estique o cabelo. Para obter distribuicao homogenea, enluve e manuseie levemente os cabelos com as maos e use os ultimos minutos do tempo de relaxamento para massagear o cabelo, verificando se alguma area ficou sem aplicacao.
3. Enxague e neu