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Salon Line - Linha Meu Liso (Extremo) - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300 Ml) - (My Straight (Extreme) Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner Kit (2 x 10.14 Fl Oz))

Linha (Collection): Meu Liso

The My Straight Extreme Kit contains Salon Line's Shampoo and Conditioner with a formula specially developed for those looking for a natural straight effect, with lots of nourishment to the hair and frizz control.
O Kit Meu Liso Extremo contem Shampoo e Condicionador Salon LIne com formula especialmente desenvolvida para quem busca um efeito liso natural, com muita hidratacao aos fios e controle de frizz.

EAN: 7909999903602

Salon Line - Meu Liso Extremo - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300Ml)

$28.97 Regular Price
$12.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 2
    Item Form: liquid

    - Contains D-panthenol, Coconut Water and Aloe Vera (Contem D-pantenol, agua de Coco e Aloe Vera)
    - Healthy Hair (Cabelo Saudavel)
    - Vegan Product (Produto Vegano)