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Salon Line - Linha SOS Cachos Kids (Hidratacao) - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300 Ml) - (SOS Curls Kids (Moisturization) Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner Set (2 x 10.14 Fl Oz))

Linha (Collection): SOS Cachos Kids

Made to facilitate parents' hair care routine for little ones, the kit includes Kids Shampoo and Conditioner with gentle active ingredients for delicate cleaning, detangling curls and frizz, shiny hair, frizz control and definition. Furthermore, it is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested.
Feita para facilitar a rotina dos pais nos cuidados capilares dos pequenos, o kit traz Shampoo e Condicionador Kids com ativos suaves para uma limpeza delicada, desembaraco dos cachinhos e crespinhos,cabelos brilhosos, controle de frizz e definicao. Alem disso, e hipoalergenico e dermatologicamente testado.

EAN: 7908458303793

Salon Line - SOS Cachos Kids Hidratacao - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2x 300Ml)

$32.97 Regular Price
$15.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 2
    Item Form: liquid

    - Soft and Nourished Hair; (Cabelos Macios e Nutridos;)
    - Controlled Frizz; (Frizz Controlado;)
    - Super Moisturizing; (Super Hidratante;)