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Salon Line - Linha SOS Cachos Kids (Nutricao) - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300 Ml) - (SOS Curls Kids (Nourishing) Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner Set (2 x 10.14 Fl Oz))

Linha (Collection): SOS Cachos Kids

The SOS Curls Kids Nutrition In Action Shampoo and Conditioner Kit was made to facilitate parents' routine when caring for children's hair. Together they guarantee a nourishing hair cleansing that, in addition to leaving hair silkier and more manageable, controls frizz and leaves curls defined and with intense shine.
O Kit Shampoo e Condicionador SOS Cachos Kids Nutricao em Acao foi feito para facilitar a rotina dos pais no cuidado dos cabelos das criancas. Juntos garantem uma limpeza capilar nutritiva que, alem de deixar os cabelos mais sedosos e comportados, controla o frizz e deixa os cachos definidos e com brilho intenso.

EAN: 7908458303809

Salon Line - SOS Cachos Kids Nutricao - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300Ml)

$29.97 Regular Price
$13.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 2
    Item Form: liquid

    - Soft and Nourished Hair; (Cabelos Macios e Nutridos;)
    - Controlled Frizz; (Frizz Controlado;)
    - Super Moisturizing; (Super Hidratante;)