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Salon Line - Linha SOS Cachos (Oleo de Coco) - Condicionador 1 L - (SOS Curls (Coconut Oil) Collection - Conditioner 33.81 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): SOS Cachos

The S.O.S Curls Deep Treatment Coconut Conditioner promotes moisturization for curls and frizz, in addition to having a powerful formula that acts mainly on the structural recovery of the hair, making it much healthier, more controlled, shiny, sealed and strong.
O Condicionador Coco Tratamento Profundo S.O.S Cachos promove hidratacao para os cachos e crespos alem de contar com uma formula poderosa que age, principalmente, na recuperacao estrutural dos fios, tornando-os muito mais saudaveis, controlados, brilhantes, selados e fortes.

EAN: 7898623956070

Salon Line - SOS Cachos Oleo de Coco - Condicionador 1L - Conditioner 33.81FlOz

$31.97 Regular Price
$13.99Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 1
    Item Form: liquid

    - Super Moisturizing And Nourishing; (Super Hidratante e Nutritivo;)
    - Strengthens The Strands And Provides Shine And Softness; (Fortalece Os Fios e Proporciona Brilho e Maciez;)
    - Restores Damaged Hair; (Restaura Cabelos Danificados;)