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Salon Line - Linha SOS Cachos (Oleo de Coco) - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300 Ml) - (SOS Curls (Coconut Oil) Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner Set (2 x 10.14 Fl Oz))

Linha (Collection): SOS Cachos

The Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner Deep Treatment S.O.S Curls restores the health and moisturization of frizzy and curly hair. Its formula acts mainly on cleaning and structural recovery of the hair, making it healthier, more controlled and stronger.
O Shampoo e o Condicionador Coco Tratamento Profundo S.O.S Cachos resgata a saude e a hidratacao dos cabelos crespos e cacheados. Sua formula age, principalmente, na limpeza e na recuperacao estrutural dos fios, tornando-os mais saudaveis, controlados e fortes.

EAN: 7908458303762

Salon Line - SOS Cachos Oleo de Coco - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300Ml)

$29.97 Regular Price
$14.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 2
    Item Form: liquid

    - Super Moisturizing And Nourishing; (Super Hidratante e Nutritivo;)
    - Strengthens The Strands And Provides Shine And Softness; (Fortalece Os Fios e Proporciona Brilho e Maciez;)
    - Restores Damaged Hair; (Restaura Cabelos Danificados;)