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Salon Line - Linha #ToDeCacho (Crespissimo Poderoso) - Creme para Pentear 300 Ml - (#ImWithCurls (Powerful Curls) Collection - Combing Cream 10.14 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): #ToDeCacho

The Powerful Curly Combing Cream has castor oil and mango oil in its formula which, together, promote extra-conditioning action, definition from root to tip, deep nutrition and movement. Furthermore, it has the effective PROFIX technology that guarantees moisturization, strength and health for frizzy hair.
O Creme para Pentear #todecacho Cresp�ssimo Poderoso possui em sua formula oleo de r�cino e oleo de manga que, juntos, promovem acao extracondicionante, definicao da raiz as pontas, nutricao profunda e movimento. Alem disso, conta com a eficaz tecnologia PROFIX que garante hidratacao, forca e saude para cabelos crespos.

EAN: 7908458320677

Salon Line - #ToDeCacho - Creme para Pentear Crespissimo Poderoso 300Ml

$21.97 Regular Price
$7.74Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 1
    Item Form: cream

    - Soft and Nourished Hair. (Cabelos Macios e Nutridos.)
    - Controlled Frizz. (Frizz Controlado.)
    - Long-lasting and Moisturized Curls. (Cachos Duradouros e Hidratados.)