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Salon Line - Linha #ToDeCacho - Gelatina Super Transicao 550 Gr - (#ImWithCurls Collection - Super Transition Gelatin Net 19.40 Oz)

Linha (Collection): #ToDeCacho

The #todecacho Super Transition Gelatin has PROFIX technology that guarantees hydration, strength and health for the hair, in addition to an enriched formula that defines, fixes the strands, guarantees the memorization of curls and frizz and combats frizz. Conditioning action.
The #todecacho Super Transition Gelatin has jojoba oil and sunflower oil in its formula, which guarantee moisturizing action to the strands, repair and aid in the healthy growth of curls. Furthermore, combined with PROFIX technology, they provide definition with fixation, intense memorization and anti-frizz action.
A Gelatina #todecacho Super Transicao conta com a tecnologia PROFIX que garante hidratacao, forca e saude para os cabelos, alem de formula enriquecida que define, fixa os fios, garante a memorizacao dos cachos e crespos e combate o frizz. Acao condicionante.
A Gelatina #todecacho Super Transicao possui oleo de jojoba e oleo de girassol em sua formula, que garantem acao hidratante aos fios, reparacao e aux�lio no crescimento saudavel dos cachos. Alem disso, aliadas a tecnologia PROFIX, proporcionam definicao com fixacao, memorizacao intensa e acao antifrizz.

EAN: 7898524349155

Salon Line - #ToDeCacho - Gelatina Super Transicao 550Gr - Gelatin Net 19.40Oz

$24.97 Regular Price
$9.53Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 1
    Item Form: gel

    - Fixing Setting (Defi