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Skafe - Linha Keraform - Shampoo  livre, Leve e Solto 500 Ml - (Keraform Collection - Light, Loose & Free Shampoo 16.9 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Keraform

Free, Light and Loose Keraform Shampoo gently sanitizes frizzy and curly hair, ensuring a natural balance. Its formula was developed with Coconut Oil, Castor Oil and Aloe Vera, natural actives that leave the hair hydrated, nourished and defined.
O Shampoo Keraform Livre, Leve e Solto higieniza suavemente os cabelos crespos e cacheados, garantindo um balanco natural. Sua formula foi desenvolvida com oleo de Coco, oleo de Ricino e Babosa, ativos naturais que deixam os fios hidratados, nutridos e definidos.

EAN: 7898658620908

Skafe - Keraform - Shampoo livre, Leve e Solto 500Ml - (Shampoo 16.9FlOz)

$29.97 Regular Price
$12.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Liquid (Liquido)

    - Intensive Moisturizing (Promove a Hidratacao Intensiva Dando Um Alto Potencial Hidratante)
    - Promotes Shine and Softness To Hair (Promove Brilho e Maciez Aos Cabelos )
    - Strength From Root To Tip (Fortalece O Fio Da Raiz as Pontas)