Skafe - Linha Natutrat (SOS Mutcho Crescimento) - Condicionador 300 Ml - (Natutrat (Lotsa Growth) Collection - Conditioner 10.14 Fl Oz)
Linha (Collection): Natutrat
The Natutrat S.O.S Mutcho Growth line was developed to strengthen the molecular structure of the hair through the Pepper Mix. Nourishing and repairing, it provides benefits such as shine and healthy growth, contributing to the oxygenation of the scalp and preventing premature aging of the hair.
Active ingredients: Red Pepper, Black Pepper and Pink Pepper: Compound rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, C, K, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium and capsaicin. They stimulate peripheral circulation, and have a stimulating and nourishing action, acting to strengthen the hair.
A linha NatutratS.O.S Mutcho Crescimento foi desenvolvida para fortalecer a estrutura molecular dos fios atraves do Mix de Pimentas. Nutritivo e reparador, proporciona beneficios como brilho e crescimento saudavel, contribuindo para a oxigenacao do couro cabeludo e evitando o envelhecimento precoce dos fios.
Principios ativos: Pimenta Vermelha, Pimenta Negra e Pimenta Rosa: Composto rico em vitaminas A, B1,B6, C, K, acido folico, magnesio, manganes, ferro, potassio e capsaicina. Estimulam a circulacao periferica, possuem acao estimulante e nutritiva, atuando no fortalecimento dos fios.
EAN: 7898658625835
Skafe - Natutrat SOS Mutcho Crescimento - Condicionador 300Ml - (10.14FlOz)
Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200
- Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
Item Form: Liquid (Liquido)
- For Weak Hair (Para Fios Fracos)
- Developed to Strengthen the Hair Structure (Desenvolvida para Fortalecer a Estrutura Capilar)
- Your Hair Strong and Healthy (Seu Cabelo Forte e Saudavel)