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Skafe - Linha Natutrat - Mix de Oleos Capilares (Coco + Oliva + Girassol) 60 Ml - (Natrutat (SOS) Collection - Hair Oil Mix (Coconut + Olive + Sunflower) 2 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Natutrat

Natutrat S.O.S Oil Mix is ??suitable for curly, frizzy or transitioning hair. with a 100% vegetable base, it contains Coconut, Olive and Sunflower in its formula. Together, they provide your hair with nourishing and moisturizing. It has very high power to strengthening action, as it reduces loss, allowing hair to grow healthier and shinier.
O Mix de oleos Natutrat S.O.S e indicado para cabelos cacheados, crespos ou em transicao. Com formulacao 100% vegetal, contem em sua formula Coco, Oliva e Girassol. Juntos, proporcionam aos fios nutricao e hidratacao. Tem altissimo poder de fortalecimento dos fios, pois reduz a queda capilar, permitindo que os fios crescam mais saudaveis e brilhantes.

EAN: 7898658620564

Skafe - Natutrat - Mix de Oleos Capilares (Coco + Oliva + Girassol) 60Ml - 2FlOz

$19.97 Regular Price
$4.76Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Oil (Oleo)

    - Hydration and Nourishment (Hidratacao e Nutricao)
    - Hair Strengthening (Fortalecimento dos Fios)
    - 100% Vegetable Derrived (100% Vegetal)