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Skafe - Linha Natutrat (BTX) - Realinhamento Termico Blond 950 Gr - (Natrutat (BTX) Collection - Thermal Realigment Blond Net 33.51 Oz)

Linha (Collection): Natutrat

Natutrat B.T.X. Blond was developed with an exclusive formula for blonde or highlighted hair. Its formula, rich in Argan Oil and Arginine and with anti-damage shielding, protects against external aggressions by sealing the cuticles and restoring the hair fiber. Promotes a long-lasting toning effect, platinumizing the hair. Result: naturally smooth blonde strands, with reduced volume, mega hydrated and aligned.
Natutrat B.T.X. Blond foi desenvolvido com uma formula exclusiva para cabelos loiros ou com mechas. Sua formula, rica em oleo de Argan e Arginina e com blindagem antidanos, protege das agressoes externas selando as cuticulas e restaurando a fibra capilar. Promove efeito matizador de longa duracao, platinando os fios. Resultado: fios loiros naturalmente lisos, com volume reduzido, mega hidratados e alinhados.

EAN: 7898658620106

Skafe - Natutrat - Realinhamento Termico BTX Blond 950Gr - (Realigment 33.51Oz)

$61.97 Regular Price
$39.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Cream (Creme)

    - Volume Reducer (Redutor de Volume)
    - Your Hair Straight and Soft (Seu Cabelo Liso e Macio)
    - Anti-Damage Shielding (Blindagem Antidanos)
    - Argan Oil + Arginine (Oleo de Argan + Arginina)