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Skala - Linha Bebe - Locao Hidratante Lavanda 200 Ml - (Baby Collection - Lavender Moisturizing Lotion 6.76 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Bebe

Skala is always innovating. Taking care of moms withgreat affection is our specialty and now we extend this care to the whole family. Skalinha Baby Moisturizing Lotion Lavender Baby is free of parabens, petrolatum, mineral oil and dyes. witha hypoallergenic formula and natural ingredients, it hydrates gently and protects against external aggressions that cause skin dryness. Suitable for children of all ages.
A Skala esta sempre inovando. Cuidar com muito carinho das mamaes e nossa especialidade e agora estendemos este cuidado para toda a familia. a Locao Hidratante Lavanda Skalinha Bebe e livre de parabenos, petrolato, oleo mineral e corantes. com formula hipoalergenica e ingredientes naturais, hidrata de maneira suave e protege de agressoes externas que provocam o ressecamento da pele. Indicada para criancas de todas as idades.

EAN: 7897042016297

Skala - Locao Hidratante Lavanda Bebe 200ML - (Baby Lavender Lotion 6.76FlOz)

$19.97 Regular Price
$5.93Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

Out of Stock
  • Item Count: 1
    Item Form: liquid

    Paraben, Petrolatum, Mineral Oil and Dye Free (Livre de Parabenos, Petrolato, Oleo Mineral e Corantes)

    Tested by Ophthalmologist and Dermatologists (Testado Por Oftalmologistas e Dermatologistas)
    Balanced pH. Hypoallergenic (pH Balanceado. Hipoalergenico. )